Kevin Loughrey - General Purpose Infantry Rifle

Letter Colonel G.S. Allen, Commander 3rd EME Group -18 July 1973

The following is a scanned image of a letter sent by Col G.S. Allen, Commander of the 3rd Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Group to Army Headquarters. For the convenience of the reader (and for the benefit of search engines) a typed version is also provided:

Letter - LtCol J.E. Faulks to 3EME Gp seeking permission to further develop the RMC No2 Rifle, dated 28 June 1973 - Page 1
Letter - LtCol J.E. Faulks to 3EME Gp seeking permission to further develop the RMC No2 Rifle, dated 28 June 1973 - Page 2

Telephone: 359-1222 Ext:229

3 Base Wksp
VIC  3047
28 JUN 73



1. A 7.62mm rifle of non standard design has been received by this unit from RMC. The rifle was produced as part of an engineering project by Lt K. A. LOUGHREY whilst a cadet at the College.

2. Lt LOUGHREY produced a design for a rifle in 1969 which he considered had advantages over the 7.62mm SLR currently in service. In 1971, with the support of SASS, he was able to have SAF Lithgow produce a rifle to his design by using many 7.62mm SLR parts, and it is this rifle we now have in the Workshop.

3. Basically his concept was to alter the centre of gravity by eliminating most of the butt and by moving the trigger and pistol grip forward. The centre of gravity on this weapon is near where the right hand grips the weapon making it easier to hold steady in the various firing positions. He has also had incorporated some changes to the gas cylinder so that cleaning is easier and to the muzzle of the weapon.

4. One feels that this weapon is easier to handle than the standard SLR and its overall length is much shorter. These views have apparently also been shaped by the instructors at RMC and JTC who have tried the rifle. It must be borne in mind however that this rifle is virtually a first mock up using parts which were more or less readily available at SAF. Lt Loughrey is the first to admit that the rifle needs more engineering development and that at this stage the basic concept is the important factor. ADE has examined the rifle but unfortunately we are not aware of their findings.

5. I believe that the basic concept is worth pursuing further and that it should not be rejected on the grounds of caliber, flash or other aspects which can be overcome when a policy decision is made or with more engineering design. From the caliber point of view, we should keep in mind the value of the tooling already held and the difficulties of getting approval for a complete re-tooling at SAF.

6. There are some improvements which could be made rather simply, such as a better designed trigger linkage and the fitting of a flash eliminator. This type of improvement would be within the capacity of this workshop and would provide some extra interest for the young tradesmen and apprentices.

7. I would like you to agree to minor improvements being done to this rifle by this workshop and for you to take up the further development of Lt LOUGHREY's concept with AHQ, as I believe it should not be forgotten now that he has graduated from RMC.

Lt Col
Commanding Officer"

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